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External Power Pack

The Base Station requires an external 12 volt power source, either batteries or solar

Where will you put yours? What might you discover? Could it change the world?

External Power Pack

The Base Station requires an external 12 volt power source. This can be a 12 volt lead-acid or lithium-ion battery.

With so many potential power pack variables, a single one-size-fits-all solution has not been developed. When ordering a system, the Instant Detect 2.0 team will advise the best external power pack solution depending on the deployments requirements.

Covert Deployments

For covert deployments the Base Station can use a waterproof (IP67) battery pack buried alongside it.


In testing, a portable 12kg lithium iron phosphate (LiFePO4) 100Ah battery powered the Base Station for 5 weeks when transmitting 120 images a day with minimal sleep periods to achieve the fastest transmissions.


A solar charged battery pack can keep the Base Station running indefinitely. In testing, a Base Station ran continuously for 7 months using a solar charged battery.